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SODA-LIME Absorbent for Carbon Dioxide

Intended Use:

Soda-lime is intended for use in mining rescue operations to fill carbon dioxide absorbents in breathing apparatuses. It has also found applications in various industries wherever an atmosphere with limited carbon dioxide content is required.


Soda-lime is a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide with a white to off-white color. The commercial product is a solid material in the form of cylindrical pellets, approximately 6-15 mm in length and with a diameter of around 2.8-3.5 mm.

Product Properties:

Soda-lime is a sodium-calcium absorbent for carbon dioxide. It is a non-combustible solid material in the shape of cylindrical pellets. Soda-lime is hygroscopic in nature; it readily absorbs moisture from the surrounding air.

Selected Technical Parameters:

Physical appearance solid, cylindrical extrudates
(length 6 ÷ 15 mm, diameter approx. 3 mm)
Color white or grayish-white
Bulk density at 20°C (kg/dm³) max. 0.90
Moisture content (%) 12 ÷ 18
Sieve analysis
- residue on 6.3 mm sieve (% by weight)
- passing through 2.0 mm sieve (% by weight)

max. 1.0
max. 5.0
Dynamic CO2 adsorption from stationary stream
in test conditions (% by weight)
min. 25.0
Dynamic CO2 adsorption from pulsating stream in test conditions (% by weight) max. 1.0
Hydrodynamic resistance (Pa) max. 390.0
Mechanical strength by drum method (%) min. 92.0
Store in dry places, free from aggressive chemical vapor.
Protect from moisture. Immediately secure damaged packaging from atmospheric influences.

Product compliant with the Act of June 9, 2011 Geological and Mining Law
(text unified Journal of Laws 2017, item 2126 of October 16, 2017)
with the currently applicable amendments and regulations, currently under the Regulation of the Minister of Energy of November 23, 2016, on detailed requirements for conducting operations in underground mining facilities
(Journal of Laws 2017, item 1118 of June 9, 2017).
Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Mining Office.

Company standard No. ZN-2010/CH/21.

The product conforms to the In-House Standard of CHEMIKA company.

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