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AQUACHEM - N Surface Enamel Paint

Intended Use:

AQUACHEM - N Surface Enamel Paint is designed to protect surfaces made of cast iron, steel, non-ferrous metals, wood, and wood-like materials used in underground mining operations. This product is safe for direct painting work. The obtained paint coatings are non-flammable and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Metal surfaces to be painted should be primed with the water-dilutable, anti-corrosion AQUACHEM - P Primer Paint. For wooden and wood-like surfaces used outdoors, it is recommended to use clear DEKORCHEM as a primer. When painting wooden surfaces used indoors, a primer is not required.


A suspension of pigments and fillers in a water-based polymer dispersion with the addition of coalescents and auxiliary agents. AQUACHEM - N creates coatings that dry at room temperature. The paint is available in a full range of colors, including those matching the RAL color chart.

Product Properties:

The paint is environmentally friendly and completely safe for users and the natural environment. It is water-dilutable and has a mild odor. AQUACHEM - N creates very adhesive, protective-decorative coatings with excellent coverage. The coating is characterized by good mechanical resistance. It exhibits high elasticity, spreadability, and impact resistance. It is especially recommended for painting spaces in hospitals, nurseries, kindergartens, schools, and in areas with a high risk of fire or explosion, where the use of solvent-based paints is not possible. The paint can be used in spaces with limited ventilation. It is strictly prohibited to dilute the paint with organic solvents. The use of organic solvents will alter the physical properties of the product, making it flammable and unsuitable for painting in underground mining operations.

Selected Technical Parameters:

Density 1.20 g/cm3
Viscosity (Ford cup number 4) 80 ÷ 140 s
pH range 7.0 ÷ 8.5
Cover quality, grade first
Color color palette
Gloss gloss, matte, semi-matte
Dilution drinking water, tap water
Tool cleaning immediately after use with cold water
Flammability non-flammable
Theoretical coverage up to 13 m2/l for a 30 μm layer thickness
Substrate temperature not lower than 5 ºC
Ambient temperature not lower than 5 ºC
(optimal above 10 ºC)
Application methods hydrodynamic spraying
pneumatic spraying
brush, roller
Recommended number of layers 2
Coating drying time
[at 20±2 ºC and 65±5% relative humidity]
degree 1 – 1 h; degree 4 – 4 h;
at 80 ºC degree 4 – 0.5 h
Time to apply the next layer for spray painting after approx. 3 h
for brush or roller painting after 4 h
The tested parameters may change depending on the surrounding conditions,
layer quantity and thickness.

The product has PZH (National Institute of Hygiene) certification and a CERTIFICATE authorizing it to be marked with a safety label.
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